Experimenting | Resolute 2.0

As promised, here is the “Resolute 2.0” Series! Apologies for the late post, but I suppose the timing was quite perfect, considering how it’s only a few days before 2016 comes rolling in and we’re starting over with a brand-new – or even recycled – list of resolutions. I had been meaning to post this series a week after the first installment, but assignments got in the way and the next thing I knew was that I had from little to no time at all to write and update my blog and even my Instagram. If you’ve been keeping up with my posts on Instagram, you must probably notice that I have been going to places. I’ll be sure to write more about them after this.

Upon reaching home two weeks ago, I fell utterly sick and it was the most sick that I had ever been. It was probably due to exhaustion and sleep-deprivation. Hopefully I’ll be fully recovered before I go on my travels next week.

Before I digress any further from posting the “Resolute 2.0” Series, click here to read more about it. Once again, special thanks to Harry Roter and Ika Musa for their help and for being so effortlessly beautiful.

So, why “Resolute”?

admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

Like I mentioned in the link above, the second part is meant to be a stark contrast to the first part of the series because it has more close-ups, which was probably daunting for the subjects as my camera was too close to their faces. However, without having to point it out during the shoot, there was an immeasurable silent understanding, the atmosphere wasn’t tense at all and there seemed be no such thing as an “invasion of personal space”. Rather, it felt more open, comfortable, and most of all, intimate.

Perhaps it came from the resolution of making the shoot feel less awkward.

Perhaps it came from the resolution of familiarising ourselves with one another.

And perhaps, the resolution itself is just a self-assuring affirmation to make us feel belonged in the temporary moments and ultimately resolute of what lies ahead in the future.

I hope the series was worth the wait and enjoy!

Please click the photos to enlarge.

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