New Home, New Look, New Domain!

Noticed anything new with my blog? The clean, sleek look of the layout? The beautiful black and white photo of Kampung Ayer as the header? The domain? Yes, I officially have a domain, guys, and it is so exciting! It may not be much but it is a really huge step for me to take this blog to the next level. I had thought about this since a while back, but I never got myself around it until I went back to Brunei. I did several shoots in film here and there as well as in Thailand. And now, The Rustic Trove is finally legit!

On another note, I arrived in the UK after the dreadful long-haul flight from Brunei with a transit in Malaysia. I was beyond exhausted, especially after having to sit on the plane for 12 hours straight and the bus ride to Colchester clearly did not help with my back pain. On top of that, I went to get my other luggages at a friend’s place so that I could move in to my new home off campus. It took me a few days to settle in and make my room as cosy as possible, but the fairy lights and the white bed sheets and duvet immediately did the job!

Processed with VSCOcam with a2 presetComing back to the UK for my second year of undergraduate studies feels almost surreal, if not different. The fact that I’m living off campus probably contributes to that odd sensation that I’m feeling because this time, I realised that I am actually an adult. Well, I’m not a full-fledged one yet because I’m still a full-time student, but yeah, you get the gist.

In that realisation, I saw how I arranged my transportation back and forth myself. I started to think more about saving up for rainy days. My flatmates and I settled the bills on our own. I found myself becoming more and more practical and much less impulsive when shopping. To put it simply, I feel more responsible and independent. I have always been so, but hardly to the point where I feel like a grown up.

I came back to the UK in hopes of feeling at home, but all I felt was the turmoil of having to adapt myself to a home that I thought I had been familiar with all over again and it was physically and mentally draining. Thankfully, that only went as far as settling in at my new home along Avon Way which is only 15 minutes walking distance to my university. Now I don’t even feel like going out because I’m starting to get attached my bed! And there’s still a few things that I want to do to my room such as putting up a noticeboard and a calendar.

I guess I can testify to the saying that wherever you are around the world, make it your home, even if it’s temporary or even if you have to do it all over again. We are after all beings with an innate want for familiarity and security.

So, when (if ever) did you start feeling like an adult? How do you make yourself at home in a completely familiar or unfamiliar place?

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